Theatre & Live
Theatre & Live events

After visiting the Edinburgh Festival as a 15-year-old, I set up with Rachael Halliwell & friends the Flying Theatre Group. We put on our first play in 1995, Escapes, a devised mix of Miller, Williams, Sophocles, Shakespeare and Willy Russel crowd-funded by 30 people we knew who put in £10-20 each.
Two years later in 1997 we performed Simon Armitage's first play, Eclipse, as part of the BT National Theatre Connections scheme; with a multi-media production with rear-projection and live video. After our A Levels, we toured to the Edinburgh Fringe after our A Levels, getting four stars in the Scotsman, and being described by the stage as "youth theatre at its best".
My heart pulled me to film, however, and I went to Westminster University for their BA in Film & TV, learning to shoot and cut on 16mm. But the digital and web revolution was happening alongside and I quit with a friend to setup Netribution, a site for indie filmmakers. We started to make documentaries for a cable channel, DKTV, to fund the website (Fish & Brit Hip Hop are below).
While co-writing a book on film finance, I directed my first and only fiction short, Creation (below), on a favours-only budget. I was drawn to VJing, co-creating an AV collective to produce AV parties (below), including the launch party for Hewlett Packard's Lion-winning HyPe project where we showcased a style we called 'clip hop' that's known as mashup, today.


"It really is powerful stunning stuff"
BBC Night Out

Eclipse @ Edinburgh
"★★★★ Provocative direction… a startling display of promise on all sides"
Anya Sen Pearse, Scotsman
"Intelligent direction… youth theatre at it's best"
Stella Goomey The Stage